Here’s one of the most important
things to know while healing…
Your body never lies.
Every experience you’ve ever had, even the ones your conscious mind can no longer recall, your body remembers them all.
Your mind distorts, forgets, and plays tricks to avoid feeling the pain. You can’t always trust your mind, but you can always trust your body.
And when traumas and unmet needs are ready to be addressed, your body will let you know you need to do something about it.
But you haven’t been taught how to access, feel, and release repressed emotions, and how to take care of your emotional needs.
And because of that, you aren’t able to heal and shift your emotional symptoms and patterns.
Core Emotional Healing® (CEH), is a fully developed healing model and system for addressing the deep emotional wounds and trauma you carry from childhood and cultural influence.
Core Emotional Healing® (CEH), is a fully developed healing model and system for addressing the deep emotional wounds and trauma you carry from childhood and cultural influence.

These wounds cause psychological, emotional, physical, relationship, work, and other problems and limitations in your life.
Because the core issues are healed with CEH, the results are permanent and lasting and do not require many of the “maintenance practices” that many have been using, and this can even include some medications.

These wounds cause psychological, emotional, physical, relationship, work, and other problems and limitations in your life.
Because the core issues are healed with CEH, the results are permanent and lasting and do not require many of the “maintenance practices” that many have been using, and this can even include some medications.
While the work is focused on the early wounds and aspects of self that were left behind due to neglect, trauma, and simply not being seen and reflected by caregivers, CEH also focuses on supporting the unique gifts of each person.

Once the emotional level is deeply healed, the adaptations and protections are no longer needed, intuition and creative gifts are accessed more freely, and clients step into a more natural flow that often includes more synchronicities.
In addition, because CEH includes undoing limiting beliefs, there are fewer blocks to manifesting what one truly wants.
While the work is focused on the early wounds and aspects of self that were left behind due to neglect, trauma, and simply not being seen and reflected by caregivers, CEH also focuses on supporting the unique gifts of each person.

Once the emotional level is deeply healed, the adaptations and protections are no longer needed, intuition and creative gifts are accessed more freely, and clients step into a more natural flow that often includes more synchronicities.
In addition, because CEH includes undoing limiting beliefs, there are fewer blocks to manifesting what one truly wants.
The CEH process consists of 5 key steps:

“I have been at this for decades and with a serious healing intention for 25 years. I have run in mind-body circles and have worked with emotions and the physical body for a really long time getting to the core. Then there has been a stopping block or total unraveling of everything I have ever learned and that’s when I met Elicia, which is fabulous! But most people out there are only doing a piece of this work. I have also experienced a re-wounding with practitioners. The way that Elicia takes care of everything related to inner child healing is top notch, so professional, and a lot of connections were finally made.
By the time we were into week 4 of the CEH process, the amount of suppressed fear, victimhood, and rage that surfaced from within my cells was overwhelming. But then there is Elicia who knows how to guide and allow the space, to actually teach what to do with a feeling. Not just give a tool, but how to use the tool independently to bust through co-dependence and coping mechanisms that far surpass the spiritual bypassing pseudo hippie new age distractions.
Immense gratitude for my new way of being and new life emotionally. Thank you!”
Nicole Alise
“I was suffering with candida, digestive issues, energy ups and downs, combined with mood swings and even bouts of depression. I also felt unfulfilled in my work – feeling always stressed out, late, and not happy with myself.
I felt like my overall system wasn’t functioning properly, and after working a lot on the physical aspects of it (which helped but didn’t solve everything), I realized that I needed to work on the emotional and even energetic sources of those issues. I needed to get to the core of my problems.
CEH was of profond help. I couldn’t have had the breakthroughs I’ve had on my own. Starting the CEH process was opening the door to my core wounds, and it was necessary to be supported on this journey.
I’ve experienced huge emotional releases during this process, and the results are amazing. I’d say the biggest one is around my energy. I feel so much more energized, I don’t consume caffeine anymore, and I feel much more stable. It’s the same with my moods and my “down” periods. Overall, I feel much more happy and in joy.
Also, I was able to let go of most of the stress I experience on a daily basis with my business. The process helped me get to the core of the stress and dissatisfaction I was feeling. It was deeper than I thought, and I’m so happy to not be stuck with that huge weight anymore.
The great thing now is that I am fully equipped to keep going on this healing journey. I can feel my state, energy, and happiness improving each day as I keep taking care of myself.
I am so grateful to have done the CEH process, which was profoundly transformative and empowering. It’s hard to put into words what it helped me do. It’s priceless. After years of struggling with physical, mental and emotional issues, it feels so good to be finally able to heal the core issues.”
“Elicia addresses a component that is missing in so many people. We know we have the physical pain/symptoms, and we know we have the emotional/mental pains and symptoms. Core Emotional Healing joins the two together, into a holistic approach to healing and growing.
I learned that I have to get to the root of my issues and that this is a journey. I realized that I haven’t failed, I just haven’t addressed it yet.”
Start your healing journey today!

CEH Self Study Online Course

CEH Live
6-Week Class

CEH 6-Month Group Program
“I joined Elicia’s 6-Week Class and continued in her 6-Month Group Program because I was at my limit emotionally. I was so overwhelmed that I was feeling suicidal and disassociated from reality. In addition, I was stuck in some known patterns (and unknown ones as well) and sick with a number of food intolerances and physical ailments. I was hoping to get some relief from my mental chatter and dark thoughts that were overtaking my head. I was also hoping to get some relief from my physical symptoms, especially my candida and food intolerances.
I have to say that learning the tools in the 6-Week Class was LIFE SAVING for me; however, being held and supported in the 6-Month Group was LIFE CHANGING!
I can now recognize the difference between controlling my diet and listening to my body. I have been eating eggs and bread without the terrible side effects I used to get. I was going to do a little detox parasite cleanse as we often need to do where I live, but I have been putting it off and it’s remarkable that just by setting boundaries in the relationships around me I have not been feeling the strong candida and yeast symptoms.
I feel safe because I can trust myself to make choices from my heart instead of pleasing people, so now my body doesn’t have to protect me.
I realized as a child who was emotionally and physically neglected it was especially helpful to know that there was someone who was available to support me. Knowing I could look forward to Wednesdays to express and be seen was important, the consistency was more powerful than I realized.
Elicia, your presence reminds me of a Roman Goddess Statue, strong and confident, kind and elegant with that look of deep compassion and peace.
Thank you for helping me to hear my truth so I don’t have to wait until it expresses itself in a harmful way. Living a gentle life with less chaos can still be exciting and fun, now I know.
My entire life has completely transformed, I am not obsessing about what I’m eating or terrified that I will feel bad after every meal. I have learned to take better care of myself and listen to my body and intuition about who I share my energy with. I have so much more freedom and energy to allow my true essence to emerge.”
“I signed up for the 6-month group program after trying for years to do it alone, with a private session here and there. I knew I needed consistent support to continue my healing journey with Candida and address core wounds and patterns that were still showing up in my life around relationships, self-expression, and work, and not feeling empowered.
I feel a close bond to all of the other call participants and I learn so much through their own learnings and healings, something that I never expected to do. To start with I was afraid of sharing my story and vulnerabilities in front of others, but to do so and receive support from others has been deeply valuable. It is also helping me to overcome my fear of how others see me / what others think of me.
I am becoming more able to share on a deep level without so much fear of judgement. In the first few weeks, I definitely stayed with “surface issues” because I was afraid to go deeper. Now, I feel more empowered to be me and ask for support and be supported by Elicia and the group. I notice that I am seeing my symptoms, patterns, and struggles for what they are a lot more clearly and how everything links together. I am more connected with my inner child and her needs, and I am more connected to my intuition.
This is the work. I have found time and again that when it comes to healing and discovering our full potential there is no magic bullet. Elicia helps her students to dig deep and holds a loving, supportive space to heal and grow. 3-6 months might feel like a big investment, but it creates a space for change to happen.”
“I have left behind so much resistance, pain, suffering, anger, fear that it is amazing to look back over the process and see all that I have released and how freeing it is to live my truth. The faith I have in my own healing ability, in joy, in love is immeasurably useful in my own coaching practice. Thank you Elicia! Love and blessings.”
What It Takes to Fully Heal the Emotional Root Cause of Candida and Other Symptoms
This free webinar is for you if you’ve been trying to heal your symptoms…
If you’re exhausted from a restrictive diet…
If you’re tired of pouring your money into pricey supplements with no lasting results…
If you’re ready to heal this — once and for all.
This is for you if you’ve sensed there is a metaphysical reason for your symptoms, and for those of you who KNOW it’s emotional and want to know what to do to heal all of your symptoms and suffering.