Enjoy Life!

Top 13 Detox Tips for 2013

by Elicia Woodford, The Detox Advisor

1. Reduce and eliminate toxic processed food, drinks (read the ingredients!) and medicine 

2. Eat meals of fresh organic fruits and vegetables with clean animal protein or quinoa on the side

3. Drink plenty of filtered water in-between meals all day

4. Slow deep breathing moves and clears energy blocks, calms the mind and nervous system

5. Start a cleanse with a colonic to symbolically release the past emotional stress

6. Release negative thinking and emotions by staying present, meditating and focusing on the good things in your life, what brings you joy 

7. Develop an attitude of gratitude, smile and give to others

8. Move, stretch and sweat your body with yoga, Pilates, walking, swimming, playing and dancing

9. Lymphatic drainage and circulation with dry skin brushing, epsom salt baths, hot showers with cold rinse and massage

10. Practice self-awareness, journal, visualize, understand the effects of your choices and choose differently for different results

11. Get rid of anything in your home that you don’t use/wear or that carries old/unwanted energy and memories

12. Take a break from all media, TV, newspapers and magazines

13. Question what other people tell you, experience your own truth, follow your inner voice

Enjoy the New Year!

With Love & Joy,
