Retreats that Change Lives

I just finished my 5th retreat in Costa Rica with my soul sister and colleague, Janet Raftis. All 7 women walked away changed. They each told us how they have more clarity, strength, self-love and compassion.

During the week, as a group, they safely went into their pain and took off the blinders to experience how capable they are of taking care of themselves.  With this new inner support system they now feel more confident, empowered and full of joy with a deeper connection within.

These retreats that we do together feed my soul in every way.

The shifts that unfold during these retreats are remarkable and actually create lasting and profound change for the women who participate.

Some of those changes include: opening up to their intuitive gifts and purpose, elimination of chronic physical symptoms, stronger boundaries to feel safe, heard and supported, aligning with new relationships and work, shifts in the way they eat and fully embracing how they feel.

During the retreat, Janet, and my husband Doug, and I were talking with each other about how truly transformative the retreats we’ve created are and so we decided to put together a Facebook Live in which we share about them — between the three of us we offer a variety of retreats for women, for men as well as for women and men — and about why our participants are able to experience profound and lasting shifts in their lives as a result of them.

CLICK HERE to watch our “Life Changing Retreats” Facebook Live video.

Upcoming Retreats

Janet Raftis’ Energy Explorers Retreat in NC, Oct 12-15, 2017 for men and women

Doug Miller PhD Men’s Intensive Retreat in NC, Oct 25-31, 2017 for men

Elicia & Doug’s Core Emotional Healing Retreat Dec 1-6, 2017 in Thailand for men and women ​

If you are interested, email me at for more details as space is limited.

We also just confirmed our dates for our next Sacred Emotion Retreat in Costa Rica, March 4-11, 2018, maximum 7 women.

You don’t need to wait to travel with me to start healing your emotional wounds. Get started now with my Express What’s Repressed course, starting on October 4th.

This is the last time I’ll be offering this course to everyone who needs healing. Following this course, I will be transitioning to training other practitioners in my Core Emotional Healing model.

Not only do many physical symptoms disappear after addressing the emotional component, but difficult relationship patterns can be cleared up or released; limiting beliefs can be identified, released and transformed; and your intuition will soar.

Click here to read testimonials of past participants.

There are limited spots available, join my last Express What’s Repressed HERE.Lots of love,

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