Inner Child Healing to Costa Rica Living

My dedicated healing journey with my inner child, and the ongoing healing of my childhood wounds and patterns, has led me to live the life of my dreams in Costa Rica with the love of my life, Doug Miller, PhD.

Elicia Miller_child swim with family

When I was a toddler, I would make up songs, sing, dance, and walk on my tip toes. I was full of joy and laughter! Even though I grew up in snowy, freezing cold Syracuse, New York, I would see the sun out the window and would put on my bathing suit thinking it was warm and I could go outside. My parents got a kick out of that and would tell me it’s too cold for a bathing suit. When it was warm enough to swim, I wouldn’t get out of the water, and my parents called me “fish”.

The happiest times of my life were when I lived in warm weather, walking barefoot, and swimming in the warm ocean. That has only happened 3 times in my life, once when I studied abroad in Australia for five months, when I lived in Thailand for 2.5 years, and now living in Costa Rica for the past 6 months. 10 years ago I was living in Thailand, and during my daily morning beach walk, I made the commitment to always live on the beach. But at that time, I had to leave my ideal way of life to go back to the US to do some deeper healing, to more fully heal my inner child so I felt lovable, so I would finally feel that I deserved to be truly loved and supported. Then, 6 years ago, I met and married Doug and we came to Costa Rica together twice a year for over 4 years, running retreats and exploring the country. We always felt better when we were in Costa Rica and knew we wanted to live here, and we finally decided to make it happen last year. Our plan was to rent for 6 months to see if we truly want to live here permanently.Last week I posted on Facebook that we are selling our house in Atlanta. And you are now getting our first official announcement: WE ARE MOVING TO COSTA RICA!As soon as we got here, we knew we couldn’t go back to the US, but we wanted to wait to announce it until we were more settled and 100% positive.As more time went by, we fell more and more in love with this area, each other, our life here, the beauty, and a bit to our surprise – and much to our delight – the amazing people in the local community.Right before we left, I took 5 months of improv training, and around the same time, I was healing and clearing a very deep mother wound pattern. Both of these have helped me to value myself and my gifts, and to express my truth more and more. In return, my inner toddler self has felt safe to really come out and play!

Why We're Moving to Costa Rica

Here are some of the many reasons why we decided to move to Costa Rica (note how many of these make my inner child happy):

  • Pura Vida! Means: simple, pure life is the way of life
  • Living in nature, outside all day, in the jungle
  • All 4 of us have never been happier (Doug & our 2 dogs)
  • Natural way of life = no makeup, barefoot, wild hair don’t care
  • The preserved jungle and ocean = breathtaking beauty
  • Small and close community of loving, creative, authentic, mystic misfits like us
  • Loads of our favorite healthy, gourmet, ethnic restaurants within a 2 mile radius
  • Feeling more joy and more full expression of our creativity
  • Playing and relaxing more than we are working
  • We started Howler Improv troupe and we are performing weekly! 
  • The weekly organic market / fair of vendors who are all our friends
  • Lots of dancing, singing, and sound healing
  • Magic of instant manifesting and synchronicities
  • Connection to nature and daily messages from animal spirits
  • Costa Rica is eco friendly, doesn’t have an army, and harming animals is a crime!

And that little “fish” version of me swims in our salt water pool every day and I literally laugh out loud and jump up and down, just like a little girl, every time!

Elicia Miller_child swimming

I’m documenting our adventures on Instagram – like my new tattoo and the fun with our Howler Improv troupe. I’d love for you to follow along over there, but nothing can compare to experiencing the magic of Costa Rica in person!If you are feeling pulled to the pura vida way of life and to do some deep healing work with me and Doug to finally shift out of your long-held patterns… We have ONE opening in September, and possibly one more towards the end of October, for an individual or couple Private Healing Immersion. It’s off season so prices are lower for flights and hotels and there are endless affordable options on Airbnb. We’re happy to make recommendations based on your individual needs.Doug and I would love to support your healing so you can have greater access to your unique gifts and experience the world as more supportive, while you get more of your needs met in all aspects of your life.Who knows, you may even pack your bags to begin living your best life in a tropical paradise!!Learn more and apply here.Sending you so much love from our pura vida home,

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