I Fell In Love With Myself After My Breast Explant Surgery

explant surgeryI just fell completely in love with myself. How did this love affair begin? Well let’s just say it happened suddenly, as soon as I became authentically me…again.

Each time I shed the layers of compensation, I felt more myself, and I fell more deeply in love.

First it was when I left the corporate world and started to teach empowerment workshops.

Then it was when I sold everything I owned to follow my heart to Thailand.

After that it was when I shaved my head bald.

And then it was when I fully healed myself from Candida, emotional eating and emotionally unavailable men.

The final piece, or two, was removing my silicone breast implants a month ago. I figured out that those 2 toxic bags were the reason my hormones were depleted, and why I was having miscarriages, and started to develop a compromised immune system. Read more about healing breast implant illness here. I was divinely led to Dr. Susan Kolb who wrote the book The Naked Truth About Breast Implants, From Harm To Healing and her practice is in Atlanta where I live!

And now at age 40.5, I truly love myself, and how I look and feel, more than anytime in my entire life. I feel myself for the first time, even though I’ve been here all along.

Here’s a little song I wrote: “I can’t be perfect because I’m me… I can’t be perfect because I’m free… I am free. I am free. I am free… to be me!”

With Love & Joy!
