Most Healing Practices Are Missing: Self-Empowerment & Self-Healing

Are you still suffering and struggling with your physical and emotional health, feeling like you want to give up?

Wait don’t give up! Your doctor and therapist may be missing a key factor in your healing: YOU.

Candida ProgramsYou are the one who holds the power to heal yourself by breaking free from limiting beliefs and excuses, by shedding your ego’s attachment to seeking happiness outside of yourself, by allowing yourself to feel repressed emotions (instead of numbing and distracting yourself) and by taking care of your energy with boundaries and loving and caring for your inner child.

My program offers a guided self-empowerment journey, where you do your own healing work, with encouragement, insight and guidance from a loving mentor.  Feel ready to be supported? Click here now.

I help you to get out of codependent forms of healing and victim consciousness.

My program includes awareness of what your symptoms are telling you, then, helps you shift from believing you are the passive victim of your symptoms to believing in your deep healing and health.

Some of the processes I use include visualization, journaling, inner child work, reversing limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, the purging of repressed emotions, cultivating self-love, listening to your intuition above all else, and staying committed to the process with awareness, patience and compassion.

This process supports you in taking back your power in your healing. You are doing the work, and I am here to  help you to see your blind spots, move through resistance, cheer you on and guide you.

Who is it good for?

If you have been experiencing…

Candida, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromayalgia, Epstein-Barr Virus and other autoimmune conditions and complex hormonal imbalances.

Also, depression, anxiety, emotional eating, addictions, relationship struggles including with self, food, money and others.

This program is good for those who are done living with and treating their symptoms and want to heal.

People who have done work on themselves and are willing to accept and release the victimhood consciousness and emotional components behind their symptoms.

For those of you who are more than ready to heal. You have no more excuses. You accept total accountability and commitment.

Elements of a Successful Healing Program

It takes all of these pieces combined to access your full potential:

25% Mentorship (Elicia Miller, an emotional and spiritual coach)

25% Self-study (Home Study: journaling, listening to the recordings, self-reflection and books)

25% Community (Group calls, Facebook group and Retreat)

25% Connection/Faith (Your spiritual practice)

My group and private programs are designed to guide you in a gentle, yet firm, loving way to heal.

Set up a free 30 minute assessment HERE to discuss the best program for you!

How others describe what I do

candida coaching program

Elicia is a seed planter. I see her inner child running around and throwing these beautiful colorful sparkly seeds and giggling with missing front teeth. This is the inner child that Elicia has healed. This is the result of her many, many years of dedicated work. This is the work she shares with us so that we may begin healing the relationship with our inner child.

Some of the seeds grow faster than others. Some immediately sprout up while others take months. At times, it has been difficult for me to pinpoint the origin of my growth spurts. This has been because I was doing so much work simultaneously with different practitioners, with self-help books, and through personal work on my own.

Recently, I did some digging–Not to disturb the roots of my sprouts, but to view them more closely. In doing so, I discovered remnants of seeds planted by Elicia and her inner child. It has been a humbling discovery, indeed.” Jennifer Ann Butler, Intuitive Communicator


“Elicia your super power is your brightness. You are a bit like a lighthouse, your function is all about shining the light so others can see where they are going.” – Christine Wushke, Author and Healer


“Drawing from her own years of intense healing and therapy, Elicia applies an emotionally embodied approach in which she helps clients tune into the movements of emotions and energy that are the source of their physical symptoms and psychological issues.

Through various techniques, her intuition, and her healing gifts, she helps clients quickly and effectively heal the root cause of their physical and emotional symptoms, addictions, and more.

Many of her clients have engaged in various types of healing approaches, e.g., medical and spiritual, but because they bypass the embodied and emotional work, they have not healed.  Through Elicia’s approach, she helps them remove the emotional blocks that limited healing, and helps the client live more authentically and re-connect with their inner guidance and gifts. Her additional focus on teaching clients how to use their intuitive skills and bring these gifts into their day-to-day life, is how she helps clients become empowered in the world and serve as models for others.” – Doug Miller, PhD, Clinical & Forensic Psychologist





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