Candida Emotional Healing Retreat Costa Rica

Seven courageous women opened up and

allowed their pain to be transformed into love.


“Elicia, Janet, (Doug and the Vida Asana team) gently held us in a structured, supportive healing space in a Costa Rica paradise. We clarified our hopes with personal intentions, fed our bodies nourishing food, bonded by witnessing each other’s vulnerability and shared courage through tears, laughter, yoga and cathartic meditation and rituals.

Elicia’s wise, earthy calm and Janet’s spiritual insights create a generous, focused, harmonious coaching partnership. “Your symptoms are a gift” resonated in truth as we unpicked avoidance habits and messages in our suppressed feelings.

Their confidence in the alchemy of listening to, processing, honoring and respecting the un-met needs of our inner children and nurturing their responsible (and angry) expression worked quickly for our collective good.

I won’t say it was easy to explore hurts and give painful feelings a voice, but it was worth the journey. I have come away with awareness, a new mantra, tools, faith in myself to heal and beautiful, life-long supportive friends.” – Anna


“My week at the retreat was more than I ever could of imagined. I have been in talk therapy on and off for 15 years and honestly accomplished more and saw my “stuff” more clearly in just 7 days. The power of the retreat is in the gentle guidance of Elicia and Janet, the power of a group of strong women also searching for self empowerment and the beauty of Costa Rica. Truly grateful for such a life changing experience.” – Kelly


“I’ve been lucky enough to do quite a bit of inner personal work on myself in my life. I have to say that this retreat was the catalyst for some of deepest healing I’ve been able to do yet. Janet and Elicia provided such a safe space and environment that I felt safe to work on some very uncomfortable issues that have been wanting my attention for years.  I feel alive and peaceful in a new way and I credit it to the retreat: the material, the environment, the group synergy and Janet and Elicia’s facilitating skills. I’m a new woman.” – Natha


“This week was transformational and inspiring. Not only did I feel the shift in my own being, but I could sense it in each woman there. I cannot thank you all enough for what I gained through this experience.” – Amy


An inspiring and life changing experience.

I was very impressed with the knowledge and insight from Elicia & Janet, the compassion they shared with everyone. They created a very safe environment – was never judgmental or condescending, always supportive.

I am very grateful for the week I spent in Costa Rica with the women in this group. Group time was powerful and bonding and healing. The facility, meals, and staff were excellent. – Marva



Click here for more information about our retreat.

Contact Elicia if you are interested in attending our next retreat at the end of September 2016.


Emotional Healing Retreat: Vida Asana, Costa Rica
