Core Emotional Healing® (CEH), is a fully developed healing model and system for addressing the deep emotional wounds and trauma from childhood and culture that are causing psychological, emotional, physical, relationship, work, and other problems and limitations in your life.

Because the core issues are healed with CEH, the results are permanent and lasting and do not require many of the “maintenance practices” that many have been using, and this can even include some medications.

CEH includes referrals to complementary healing modalities to support and facilitate the CEH work. Clients and practitioners have observed that those who are well into the CEH process have more powerful results from other modalities. We believe this is so because the emotional blocks to healing, held in the body, are no longer present.

While the work is focused on the early wounds and aspects of self that were left behind due to neglect, trauma, and simply not being seen and reflected by caregivers, CEH also focuses on supporting the unique gifts of each person.

CEH Model Diagram

Once the emotional level is deeply healed, the adaptations and protections are no longer needed, intuition and creative gifts flow more freely and clients step into a more natural flow that often includes more synchronicities.

In addition, because CEH includes undoing limiting beliefs, there are fewer blocks to manifesting what one truly wants.


The CEH process consists of 5 key steps:

  1. Listen to the meanings of your symptoms and the messages from your wounded inner child
  2. Connect to, love, and reparent your inner child by validating your childhood feelings
  3. Feel and express repressed emotions, especially sadness and anger, and comfort your inner child
  4. Heal yourself by finding the source of your triggers in your emotional wounds, shadow projections, and personal boundaries
  5. Take care of your feelings and set healthy boundaries so you are true to yourself in your relationships

Step 1: Listen to the meanings of your symptoms and the messages from your wounded inner child

Change the way you view your symptoms, they don’t mean there is something wrong with you. Instead of treating and attacking them, leaving you feeling depleted or hopeless, listen to them and attend to your feelings with love and care. We can help you find the meanings of your symptoms, which are messages from your wounded inner child. Then, listen to them with compassion and curiosity, giving your inner child what they have always wanted. Develop a supportive, nurturing relationship with your body, symptoms, and emotions.

CEH Self Study Lesson One will help you with your mindset shift from feeling defeated to hopeful and inspired to continue down this path.

Messages from the Body will confirm what is still active from childhood to heal with your inner child.

Flower Essence Webinar will help you understand how specific flower essences can help you access your repressed feelings and memories from childhood, open your heart, and develop self love and self reflection.

Step 2: Connect to, love, and reparent your inner child by validating your childhood feelings so you internalize unconditional love and acceptance for yourself

It takes time to really reconnect with and nurture parts of yourself that were lost in childhood, at different ages. These include your vulnerability, strength, wisdom, gifts, magical and free child, and more. Through internal reparenting, and exploring your true self and gifts while being supported by us, you will feel safer, more seen and appreciated for who you really are.

CEH Self Study Lesson Two will help you become aware of defenses, the ways you have protected yourself from your childhood feelings, and the ways you continue to distract and avoid your feelings. You will need support and guidance to recognize your defenses and protections. Often, as you begin to move through the process and access your inner child and vulnerability, your defenses can get stronger, and trickier! This is all just part of healing.

Lesson Two will also help you understand what it takes to heal your inner child through the Core Emotional Healing process. Because the very ways you did not receive the love and support you needed, and for other reasons, this is something that needs to be learned through specific guidance customized for you. The healing comes from giving your inner child what you never got and still need.

The Inner Child Meditation in Lesson Two will help you connect with your inner child. Many people believe that they have fully connected in the way they need to, but our experience has shown that this is often not the case. You will need our help in uncovering how you were hurt and to let go of the protections. We will help you throughout the process find ways to connect more with your inner child and feelings, and help you give your inner child love, support and acceptance.

Step 3: Feel and express repressed emotions, especially sadness and anger, and comfort your inner child

This first involves acknowledging how you were hurt and parts of you were neglected, which is often hard to see on your own since you had to protect yourself from the pain. In addition, you were encouraged and wanted to maintain a positive view of your parents/caregivers. Through other’s sharing in the group, and help understanding your childhood family dynamics, both overt and subtle, your inner child can feel validated and seen in how they were poorly treated. In addition, how you feel and what you believe about yourself and the world is information that can point you to the issues in your childhood. Seeing all of this requires help from professionals.

CEH Self Study Lesson Three will help you learn about the purpose of all of your emotions, so you can allow and express feelings that you may have not allowed due to your conditioning and childhood family experiences. You will also learn how to process – write about, feel, and fully express – your feelings to completion and then comfort your inner child. As mentioned above you will need our insights and guidance to make sure you aren’t misdirecting your anger or still protecting your parents and others who have hurt you.

Step 4: Heal yourself by finding the source of your triggers in your emotional wounds, shadow projections, and personal boundaries

If you are disconnected from your childhood feelings, you may not be feeling the source of your emotional triggers, and that is why your body is expressing physical symptoms. Emotional triggers can lead you back to your childhood wounds (source of the trigger), reveal your shadow (rejected aspects of self), and alert you when there has been a boundary violation. These all get clearer after you’ve been supported through the process, and fully feel the healing emotions (anger, sadness, grief, fear, shame) from childhood.

CEH Self Study Lesson Four will help you recognize when you are triggered, explore the sources of the trigger and how to resolve it, healing your past, and providing guidance for healthy boundaries and greater self love in the present. You will need our guidance and insight at times to help you identify the sources of your triggers and/or how to ask for what you need and protect yourself from those who can’t meet your needs.

Step 5: Take care of your feelings and set healthy boundaries so you are true to yourself in your relationships

Once you’ve reconnected to your inner child, expressed your repressed emotions, and started to heal through your triggers, you will have greater access to your natural emotional guidance system and intuition and you will respond to what you need in the moment. Based on how you feel, you can clearly ask for what you need, set healthy boundaries, and know what is good for you, so you are true to yourself and live a more fulfilled life.

CEH Self Study Lesson Five reviews the whole process and provides worksheets to help you set healthy boundaries This requires the healing that is included in the first 4 steps of the CEH process. By giving your inner child the love and emotional support they, and you, have always needed, you will no longer seek outside acceptance or putting others needs ahead of your own. With this, you will more easily change from codependency into more healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Stages of CEH Core Healing

After you’ve reconnected to your true feelings and you are taking care of them, your physical and psychological symptoms will resolve, and your unconscious protections and adaptations will start to fall away.


Being clear about your feelings, you will know what you want and don’t want, what’s good for you, and what isn’t. You continue to process your triggers and set healthy boundaries as more layers and patterns arise.

Authentic Living

Being empowered, you will feel safe expressing your true self knowing that you can set healthy boundaries and standing up for yourself and what you really want. Your adaptations and protections are no longer needed. You live more fully from your heart with sensitivity and compassion. You have the clarity to speak your truth.

Blocks to Healing

  • You don’t trust support and think you can do it alone.
  • You protect your parents and hide your feelings (unconsciously acting from your defenses and protections) so you don’t feel your repressed emotions and stay in your triggered emotions.
  • You don’t reparent your inner child and look outside of yourself for approval, to feel better, and for emotional support.
  • You stay in dysfunctional and toxic relationships.

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