Fast track your healing journey with guided LIVE support and community inside the…

Core Emotional Healing®
6-Week Class

…so you can receive insight and support to move through any resistance and defenses keeping you stuck, and finally heal the emotional root cause of your symptoms

Fast track your healing journey with guided LIVE support and community inside the…

Core Emotional Healing®
6-Week Class

…so you can receive insight and support to move through any resistance and defenses keeping you stuck, and finally heal the emotional root cause of your symptoms

“The support during the live group calls and in the online community forum made a positive impact motivating me to continue to do the work, while feeling supported in the journey.

Before joining Elicia’s class, I had been dealing with several physical issues, including digestive symptoms and fatigue, as well as anxiety,  depression, and procrastination.

The CEH process is the only thing I’ve tried that gets not just to the root cause of things, but also the emotions involved. I often found value in what the other group members shared, and Elicia’s responses to them. I was not alone in the journey.”

ALIA, CEH 6-Week Class member

For the person who’s been struggling alone and wants to find the solution that really heals…

You deserve to do more than dream of the day when you can finally end your suffering, you can understand your symptoms and heal yourself with the right support.

Let me show you what’s hidden for you to heal once and for all, and guide you towards what you deserve, so you’ll finally have…
A deep understanding of the emotional root cause of all your symptoms, triggers, and relationship patterns (I will help you identify the source) 
Clarity about what your emotions are trying to tell you (so you can get to the core of healing and experience lasting relief)
Answers to why all the traditional and not-so-traditional approaches to healing didn’t quite solve your suffering (I will help you focus on your core wounds and show you how to give your inner child the love and acceptance they’re craving)
A sense of coming home to yourself and your incredible gifts (instead of feeling like you’re hiding or don’t know the person you truly are)
Healthy boundaries in place (empowering you to release addictive and toxic relationship patterns) 
Freedom from the mental, emotional and physical aspects of Candida, allergies, skin digestive, and autoimmune issues, anxiety, depression, and other challenges in your life (because you’ve addressed your unconscious wounds that created them)
Clear insights and guidance from someone who’s authentically walked the healing path before you (and compassionately gives you the exact support you need to connect with and heal your inner child)
You may be wondering, “What’s it going to take to finally be free of suffering and express who I really am?!”

Keep reading. I’ll show you the way. But first, let me gently point out…

Getting to the emotional root cause of your symptoms isn’t an overnight fix or a simple formula, but it does take courage and the right support

Facing the wounds of our childhood traumas is a process. 

At times, you may find yourself wanting to escape and resist the work your inner child is asking you to do. 

After working with over 1,000 people, I see how common it is to throw up a wall, avoid the truth, and stay in the status quo.
I can relate. 

I didn’t realize that my childhood experiences were traumatic and created deep emotional wounds, and that these wounds were the cause of my physical, emotional, and relationship symptoms.

These wounds are what led me to…

….stay in unhealthy relationships with emotionally unavailable and abusive men

…rely on food for comfort followed by restricting and fasting to feel better about myself

…use alcohol to numb and ‘busyness’ to distract from the pain

…take care of everyone except myself

And, kept my true purpose hidden from me.

There I was travelling the world seeking answers in traditional and non-traditional therapies and healing modalities, but still my symptoms persisted. 

It wasn’t until I learned how to heal my wounded inner child and take care of my emotional needs on an ongoing basis that I found relief…

…and learned that through my symptoms that my repressed emotions had been calling out to me for 20+ years, and I needed to take care of my feelings.

Once I listened to my symptoms and did more emotional healing to address my core wounds, my Candida symptoms (yeast infections, food sensitivities and bloating) went away. I stopped emotional eating completely, my addictions ended, and I met my soulmate and experienced true love and support for the first time in my life.

Just like me, many of your symptoms are pointing you towards something you might not even be aware of, and they’ll never truly go away until you address the emotional root cause.

The most supportive and loving way you can get there is to be guided by someone who’s life purpose has included the same experiences –and has come out the other side, healed, whole and happy.

Now, for a life-changing question… 

Are you ready to reimagine what your life could look like when you have ongoing weekly support through the healing process?



Often wondering if you’re the only person who has symptoms and patterns that never seem to release their hold over you
You have a community cheering you on and feel secure in the knowledge you’re truly not alone 
Overwhelmed looking for alternatives to stop the suffering. Diets, therapy, crystals, reiki, detoxes–you’ve tried it all.
You’re able to heal your core wounds and have faith in your own healing ability as you reconnect to your true feelings. 
Struggling with physical symptoms, like Candida, digestive and autoimmune problems, food sensitivities and more.
You break free from your physical symptoms and experience lasting relief and bounds of energy.
Frequently frustrated with a repetitive cycle of unsupportive relationships, self-doubt, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other emotional issues that feel inescapable.
You feel empowered, purposeful and safe speaking up for yourself as you set healthy boundaries and get your needs met.
Knowing your symptoms are emotional but unaware what your symptoms are pointing towards. 
You’re able to address the root cause of all your symptoms and give your inner child the support she or he needs.
Experiencing symptoms that never go away.
You express your true self,  realize your gifts, feel loved and supported and truly heal.
We all need help seeing what we can’t see; nobody can do this work alone. 

Your symptoms and patterns are a gift showing you there’s something inside that you need to address.

To get to the root emotional cause of your symptoms, you need the insight of a skilled practitioner to help you see and feel the emotions that were not supported in your childhood. And learn how to be your own nurturing inner parent.

This is the way you can finally heal.

BEFORE: Often wondering if you’re the only person who has symptoms and patterns that never seem to release their hold over you.

LIFE AFTER: You have a community cheering you on and feel secure in the knowledge you’re truly not alone 

BEFORE: Overwhelmed looking for alternatives to stop the suffering. Diets, therapy, crystals, reiki, detoxes–you’ve tried it all.

LIFE AFTER: You’re able to heal your core wounds and have faith in your own healing ability as you reconnect to your true feelings. 

BEFORE: Struggling with physical symptoms, like Candida, digestive and autoimmune problems, food sensitivities and more.

LIFE AFTER: You break free from your physical symptoms and experience lasting relief and bounds of energy.

BEFORE: Frequently frustrated with a repetitive cycle of unsupportive relationships, self-doubt, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other emotional issues that feel inescapable.

LIFE AFTER: You feel empowered, purposeful and safe speaking up for yourself as you set healthy boundaries and get your needs met.

BEFORE: Knowing your symptoms are emotional but unaware what your symptoms are pointing towards. 

LIFE AFTER: You’re able to address the root cause of all your symptoms and give your inner child the support she or he needs.

BEFORE: Experiencing symptoms that never go away.

LIFE AFTER: You express your true self,  realize your gifts, feel loved and supported and truly heal.

We all need help seeing what we can’t see; nobody can do this work alone. 

Your symptoms and patterns are a gift showing you there’s something inside that you need to address.

To get to the root emotional cause of your symptoms, you need the insight of a skilled practitioner to help you see and feel the emotions that were not supported in your childhood. And learn how to be your own nurturing inner parent.

This is the way you can finally heal.

Welcome to the

Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class

The Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class is a safe container of LIVE support, community and accountability as you move through the CEH 5-Step process to trace your symptoms, triggers, and patterns back to their emotional root causes, so you can finally heal them once and for all.

Step into a loving container of support and community on your healing journey

Together we’ll move through resistance and defenses that keep you stuck in your symptoms

Live support processing your healing


Get individual support through each lesson from Elicia in a structured live group setting. You’ll get help shifting your focus from your symptoms and issues, to zone in on healing the source of them all. Group calls are held on Thursdays at 7am PT / 10am ET for 60-90 minutes depending on the size of the class.

Ongoing accountability and check-ins


Participate in a safe, intimate community that offers accountability, support, and connection with others so you never feel alone as you move through the CEH process step-by-step.

Access the tools of transformation


Immediate access to the CEH Self Study Program, a 5-step process to trace your symptoms, triggers, and patterns back to their emotional root causes, so you can finally heal.

“Elicia has a gift of being able to feel and spot the core issues for you to assess when you can’t see them.

I’ve tried various things but the Core Emotional Healing process is the only one that gives me the tools to continue to work on emotional issues. It’s empowering, which is half the battle for most on this course, I’m sure. 

Elicia’s attention to detail goes above and beyond to support each person, and I am so grateful. The six weeks seemed to fly by so fast and so much came up for me to work through it was somewhat mind boggling. It’s amazing to see within six weeks how I have fundamentally changed my way of being.” 

JAKE, CEH 6-Week Class member

Experience 6 weeks of live support as you work through the tools to transform your life

A lesson-by-lesson walkthrough of the CEH Self Study Program

Listen To Your Symptoms

Learn the reason why your body manifests symptoms, how to form a supportive relationship with your body, and shift your mindset to get to the root cause of your symptoms. 

Experience 8 video lessons to…

✔️Clear Apathy and Assessment

✔️Discover Why Your Symptoms Are A Gift

✔️Embrace All of Your Symptoms

✔️Identify Defense Mechanisms and Adaptations

✔️Figure Out Blindspots

✔️Understand The 4 Cornerstones to the Pyramid of Healing

✔️Understand How to Use Messages from the Body

✔️Use Plant Remedies for Emotional Healing

Connect To Your Inner Child

Unlock the key to healing your inner child, living life authentically, feeling good about yourself and enjoying inner peace.

Experience 8 video lessons to…

✔️Identify What Is The Inner Child?

✔️ Connect to Your Inner Child Over Time

✔️Learn How to Use The Inner Child Meditation

✔️Experience The Inner Child Meditation

✔️Understand How And Why To Use A Stuffed Animal

✔️Use Photos of You As A Child To Heal

✔️Discover Other Ways To Connect To Your Inner Child

Connect To Your Inner Child

Unlock the key to healing your inner child, living life authentically, feeling good about yourself and enjoying inner peace.

Experience 8 video lessons to…

✔️Identify What Is The Inner Child?

✔️ Connect to Your Inner Child Over Time

✔️Learn How to Use The Inner Child Meditation

✔️Experience The Inner Child Meditation

✔️Understand How And Why To Use A Stuffed Animal

✔️Use Photos of You As A Child To Heal

✔️Discover Other Ways To Connect To Your Inner Child

Elicia Miller
Accessing And Feeling Your Repressed Emotions

Understand how to access and express repressed emotions so you’re reconnected to the natural flow of your emotions in order to respond in ways that best takes care of all of your needs!

Experience 10 video lessons to…

✔️Identify Where Emotions Come From

✔️Step Into Being Emotionally Empowered

✔️Participate In An Embodied Emotional Exercise

✔️Recognize The Purpose and Gift of Anger and Shame

✔️Learn The Purpose and Gift of Sadness and Grief

✔️Know The Purpose and Gift of Situational Depression, Fear, and Anxiety

✔️Address Emotional Abandonment and Emotional Abuse

✔️Hear Elicia’s Personal Experience

✔️Reconnect to Your Inner Child’s Feelings

✔️Find Emotional Support

Use Your Emotional Triggers To Heal Yourself

Recognize the wisdom within your emotional triggers, the 3 main sources of their triggers, and the process to use to transform and heal your relationship to yourself and others.

Experience 9 video lessons to…

✔️Accept Your Triggers Are A Gift

✔️Recognize When You Are Triggered

✔️Learn A Craving Trigger Example

✔️Identify Three Sources Of Triggers

✔️See A Childhood Wound Example

✔️Watch A Shadow Projection Example

✔️Hear A Boundary Violation Example

✔️Become Aware Of Your Defenses 

✔️Discover How To Use Your Triggers To Heal

Use Your Emotional Triggers To Heal Yourself

Recognize the wisdom within your emotional triggers, the 3 main sources of their triggers, and the process to use to transform and heal your relationship to yourself and others.

Experience 9 video lessons to…

✔️Accept Your Triggers Are A Gift

✔️Recognize When You Are Triggered

✔️Learn A Craving Trigger Example

✔️Identify Three Sources Of Triggers

✔️See A Childhood Wound Example

✔️Watch A Shadow Projection Example

✔️Hear A Boundary Violation Example

✔️Become Aware Of Your Defenses 

✔️Discover How To Use Your Triggers To Heal

Elicia Miller
Take Care Of Your Feelings And Set Healthy Boundaries

Uncover the steps to set healthy boundaries in order to  heal codependency and shift symptoms and unwanted patterns for good!

Experience 10 video lessons to…

✔️Address Codependency and Boundaries

✔️Identify What Codependency Looks Like

✔️Recognize Symptoms and Areas of Codependency

✔️Dig Into The Root Of Codependency And How To Heal

✔️Prioritize Yourself And Your Feelings

✔️Heal From Codependency, An Ongoing Process

✔️Re-Examine What You’ve Learned About Boundaries

✔️Know Your Limits

✔️Learn Tips For Setting Boundaries

✔️Find Acceptance And Detachment

Take note of the CEH 6-Week Class schedule 

Classes are held via Zoom conferencing on Thursdays at 10am Eastern Time

Meet Elicia (that’s me!) for 90-minutes to process one lesson per week of the CEH Self Study. During each call, you are safe to be seen and heard. Share your questions and process with me. I will help connect you to what you need and raise your awareness of what is getting in the way for you to shift in order to heal. Then, we’ll have a sixth and final call to review and support your process further.

If you can’t attend, you can submit your questions in advance and watch the replay. You can also ask me and share your process in the online community forum in between calls.

The CEH Process will help you to learn from your symptoms, so you can feel…

+ Confident in all aspects of your life

+ Filled with love and compassion for yourself

+ An acceptance of your true nature

+ Much more self aware and empowered in your decision making

+ Less resistance to listen to your body and emotions

+ The courage to connect with your inner child

+ Your desire for healthy relationships and love

+ A greater awareness of what you need when you’re uncomfortable, struggling or experiencing a flare-up

…and ready to face, feel and embrace what comes your way

Registration Coming Soon

Register for our upcoming 6-week class and get started right away on the CEH Self Study and prepare to receive the support you need for true, lasting relief and fulfillment

Let’s review everything you get inside the
Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class

Registration for the next Class is coming soon. 

Enter your name and email below to be the first to know when the next class is announced.

Peek into the healing journeys of
CEH 6-Week Class members 

I already know that this healing is available to you too

“I’ve never really gotten in touch with my inner child until CEH and I’ve found it has been more effective than anything I’ve tried in the past.

The CEH process is extremely different from anything I’ve done before. I have tried reiki, EFT, hypnosis, NLP, tantric work, breathwork, and nothing is like CEH.

After working with Elicia in her 6-week class, my boundaries have never been stronger. Besides greater self awareness, my symptoms have drastically lowered, I naturally have more self-care, and my intuition is stronger.”

CRISTINE, CEH 6-Week Class member

“Being able to share in a closed, small group helped all of us heal.

CEH is tried and true. I saw this for myself in my own process and I saw the changes in the group. The breakthroughs and observing the whole healing process was amazing. 

I thought I worked through a lot of the anger and unfairness through earlier counseling, reading books, and good, old-fashioned pillow smashing and screaming. However, with this work, I went through some serious sadness and grief. Almost like I had to grieve my childhood and come to an acceptance so I could move on. Thank you for helping me and all the people you have touched with CEH.”

MARY, CEH 6-Week Class member

“The structure of the self-study and group calls were the guide that helped me and my family climb out of a dark place where we couldn’t see or hear.

The weekly calls were so powerful. Being able to watch the process with other people in the midst of their confusion, darkness, and need, helped me hear myself more, and added more light to my situation to see more of what is there. 

Listening to someone else in their honesty and openness strengthens mine. Some days it confronts mine as well. The whole structure from the self-study, group calls and Facebook group kept us moving, working, and processing. All are essential.”

SWEETHEART, CEH 6-Week Class member

Sign up today and get bonuses designed to lovingly boost self-awareness and tap into your intuition

“I am super connected with my intuition and see my gifts.”
Support your healing journey with a loving presence.

Tap into 4 guidebooks to step into the role of the inner parent to show yourself the compassion and care your inner child always wanted.  

“Clarity of my true nature, desires, higher purpose and motivation.”
Tune into your truth to better understand yourself, move into alignment and reduce unnecessary suffering! 

Pop in your headphones for a 2-hour video lesson paired with a workbook highlighting 16 different journaling techniques guaranteed to bust through your journaling resistance and blocks.

“Clarity of my true nature, desires, higher purpose and motivation.”
Tune into your truth to better understand yourself, move into alignment and reduce unnecessary suffering! 

Pop in your headphones for a 2-hour video lesson paired with a workbook highlighting 16 different journaling techniques guaranteed to bust through your journaling resistance and blocks.

“I am more aware of the need and ways to take care of my inner child.”
Support your healing journey with a loving presence.

Tap into 4 guidebooks to step into the role of the inner parent to show yourself the compassion and care your inner child always wanted.  

On top of all that enjoy a participation bonus to celebrate and further your commitment to healing


Elicia Miller

Spend 6-weeks attending all of the live calls and/or watching the recordings. Show up to engage inside the private community forum. Go through all the materials and take action in your own healing process.

As a participation bonus, we’ll gift you with a powerful private session where Elicia will pour her focus onto you for 30 minutes. Totally priceless as we don’t offer 1-on-1 sessions anywhere else.   

Registration for the next Class is coming soon. 

Enter your name and email below to be the first to know when the next class is announced.

Is the Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class
right for you? 
These 8 signs point towards YES, if you…
Can no longer ignore the alarm call of your physical or emotional symptoms
Want to disrupt the patterns and triggers that led to an unhealthy relationship with food
Are ready to listen to what your symptoms and triggers are telling you so you can access great healing, boundaries, and self-love
Recognize that you’re struggling with addictive behaviors and need to finally release the compulsion
Feel overwhelmed and dream of more ease and confidence
Accept that things need to change if you want to stop settling for unsupportive relationships, codependency, and low self-esteem
Are seeking an approach to healing that treats the root of the issues rather than the symptoms superficially
You welcome the opportunity to be supported by Elicia in a small group of people also on their own healing journey
If you find yourself nodding your head at TWO or more of those signs thinking, “I wish someone would help me figure out how I can finally heal,” then I’m glad you’re reading this today.

Because the Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class contains everything you actually need to understand your symptoms and begin to heal yourself, so you can finally break free of the patterns and triggers that keep you struggling.

You’re so close to uncovering the emotional root cause of the symptoms that torment you.
The CEH 6-Week Class is not for everyone 

You need more than what we can offer you if…

You have severe psychotic, mood or personality disorders including borderline, bipolar or multiple personalities. If you’re dealing with active addictions (i.e., needing something every day) and you can’t stop drinking, smoking marijuana, using hard drugs, using pain medications outside of the scope of your prescription, or looking for a quick fix.
The most significant improvement CEH members claim as a result of the class, “Greater awareness and empowered sense of self.”

Meet your CEH Guide

Hi, I’m Elicia (Miller) Woodford. 

I’m the Founder of Core Emotional Healing® and a Candida and Inner Child Expert.

I created the Core Emotional Healing® process as the culmination of 10 years of intensive training, my own personal deep healing journey, empathic intuitive psychological insights, and working with 100s of clients from around the world.

Yes, like any wounded healer, I went through it too–experiencing ongoing Candida symptoms, bulimia, emotional eating, many various addictions, codependency, and more. 

Frustrated with the lack of results from traditional and holistic doctors and therapists, I researched and tried over 50 detox and healing methods. 

My journey led me to spend four years in Thailand, Costa Rica, San Francisco, and Atlanta, working with the best spiritual, ancestral, shamanic, energy, and emotional healers on the planet.

As I immersed myself on a path toward physical, mental, and emotional health, I realized that Candida was more than just symptoms like bloating and yeast infections. 

Candida was also a manifestation of perfectionism, obsession with outside approval, unresolved trauma, repressed emotions and codependency.

This newfound understanding  gave me freedom and clarity in all aspects of my life…

…and led me to develop a guided step-by-step process to address the emotional root cause of symptoms and suffering.

My greatest wish for you is that you listen to the message your symptoms are sharing with you, so you can take care of your emotional needs, unlock your full potential, and receive the love and acceptance you deserve.

And through the Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class, I’ll compassionately support you to focus on healing the source of your symptoms, and keep you focused there so you actually heal.

A few Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class members reveal their thoughts on my support…

I loved Elicia’s approach; it was so safe and she really took us all in and gave us so much time and allowed us to unravel as we did and at the same time held us all in such a loving container. 

Elicia has a beautiful grace about her and loving boundaries. She made me feel safe and heard and seen. She has really developed a process that she really cares about, it is very thorough and very thoughtful. 

I trust Elicia, and her process comes from her deep and caring heart.” 

BEX, CEH 6-Week Class member

“I knew my stuff was related to my inner child but was unable and unwilling to face it alone. 

I am so grateful that the emotional core is truly the heart of the matter. That everything I had been feeling and knew was being heard and seen and was also experienced by other humans. I loved how Elicia gave space and grace to people to share but then masterfully redirected the rudder to the core of the issue. 

The group setting was very helpful and soothing.

ALISON, CEH 6-Week Class member

“I was petrified at the start. I really didn’t want to share – but knew that I was what I needed. I am fascinated by how transformative it is to just listen to each person share their stories. And I am fascinated by how much has come up as memories as I listen.

I feel like Elicia has given me tools that I can practice and slowly get better at. This process has made me more curious, less judgemental, and calmer when expressing my feelings to my partner. 

DANIELLE, CEH 6-Week Class member

Questions people ask before enrolling in
CEH 6-Week Live Class
Let me support you to make an informed decision
As you move towards your repressed pain and connect with your wounded child, it’s important to work with a Core Emotional Healing® Practitioner to help you see when you are getting stuck in your defenses, protections, projections, and resistance. Inside the 6-Week Live Class you are personally supported through the process.
YES! If you’ve previously purchased the CEH Self Study program, just send us an email to and we’ll provide a coupon in the amount you paid.
As an empath, I hear you and I understand. This is exactly why I created this class. With this class, you will have accountability and the opportunity to ask me questions about the process and tools over the course of 6 weeks. This gives you the space to watch the lessons and then ask questions to make sure you are supported with all you need to move through the material. 
Forever! When you sign up for the 6-week class, you also receive lifetime access to the CEH Self Study program content.

Please note: If you select a payment plan and default on your payment, your access will be revoked until payment is made. If you are having difficulties making your monthly payment, please contact us so we can help.

After 10 years of my own fully dedicated effort to heal, using every traditional and alternative therapy and healing modality I could find (even moving to Thailand for 2.5 years) something was still missing. It wasn’t until I was able to identify the source of my strong emotional triggers and painful patterns, which allowed me to feel what was repressed, that I was able to heal the root cause of my symptoms. Not only did I learn how to take care of my emotions, I also learned how to use them as an important source of guidance. While many therapy approaches claim to offer this, and some do to some extent, most are not as focused on the core emotions.

Through my own healing and gifts, I was able to see into the source of my clients’ symptoms, triggers and patterns. Core Emotional Healing® (CEH) was born after I worked with dozens of groups on retreats and online. I used my intuitive gifts, seeing and feeling the truth, drawing from my own personal healing experiences and years of training.

My husband, Doug Miller PhD, a Licensed Clinical and Transpersonal Psychologist, further developed the model with me. I took what I had developed in my group programs, refined it, and created the Self Study to give more people the crucial process that is missing in so many other approaches. I continue to use this process to support myself as deeper layers and patterns emerge, as do my clients. In one sense, the Self Study teaches the emotional skills that we did not receive in our families and culture.

The lessons inside the CEH Self Study helps you heal your wounded inner child and reparent yourself. You are provided with specific steps that will allow you to trace your symptoms, triggers, and patterns back to the childhood wounds and neglect that are actually causing them, and resolve them once and for all. No longer caught in the old ways, you will more clearly and confidently speak your truth. You will also learn how to support yourself in specific ways to get your needs met in your current relationships and life.

The lessons include videos walking you through the process, along with workbooks that provide you with the skills and tools to help you take care of your emotional needs on an ongoing basis.

The CEH Self Study is a complement to therapy and other healing modalities since you still need to work with practitioners, including me if you choose, so that you can really look at what needs to be addressed.

Teal’s process is similar in getting in contact with the source of triggers, and being with those emotions. Where CEH differs is in the process that heals your wounded inner child and how you take care of yourself now.

My approach is to help you stand up for your feelings from the past, which is you expressing your feelings and voice, which is what you need to take care of your feelings in the present. 

From what I’ve seen, Teal’s Completion Process recreates what happens, sometimes bringing in a third party support, or having your parents act in a different way than they did to recreate what you actually experienced. While this may be “corrective,” the Completion Process doesn’t provide the experience of you taking care of your own feelings, which is what all (re)parenting should help with.

It is the difference between having a passive approach to your own feelings, waiting for the outer world to take care of you, versus CEH’s active approach that can also help you set boundaries regarding emotional neglect and abuse. While a passive approach is appropriate for young children who are completely dependent on their parents to meet all of their needs, as adults we have to take responsibility for getting our own emotional needs met in all of our relationships.

Along these lines, an adult who has a lifetime of learned emotional self-neglect requires a more active therapeutic approach than simply reparenting them as though they were a child who needs emotionally good parenting. So in CEH, reparenting means the adult self using adult resources to actively stand-up for the vulnerability of the (wounded) inner child. The CEH Self Study also provides you with the skills and tools to help you take care of your emotional needs on an ongoing basis.

The modalities I use are emotion-based, inner child work, psychodynamic, uncovering unconscious patterns, and healing the emotional wounds, experiential, and skills development.
Part of my business mission is to support those who need it most. While I can’t provide scholarships to everyone who asks, if you are facing financial difficulties, please contact me at

“Elicia is amazing at gently pointing out your blind spots, guiding you with love, and showing you how to use your connection with your inner child as a tool to heal.”

Doing the 6-week class with Elicia has probably been one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself! 

Struggling with chronic systemic Candida for almost 5 years, I was very skeptical at the start. I’ve tried absolutely everything and found myself at a very hopeless place.

The CEH process really works because it addresses the root cause of your symptoms. With Elicia’s help and guidance I’ve learnt so much about myself, my symptoms, my emotions, my defenses, boundaries, and acceptance. 

And because she has developed this from her own experience, she is coming from a place of absolute truth, knowledge, and authenticity. 

The group sessions with Elicia and the FB group provided incredible support and accelerated the whole process – you see your stuff in someone else, which explains your own issues. It all becomes clearer and then Elicia guides the way to healing.

The CEH process could really help so many people – not just those with Candida. It’s what the world needs right now. 

If you are skeptical, doubtful, or uncertain in any way about the CEH process, just dive in and do it! It is quite intense, but it’s so worth it!

TRIENIE, Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class member

Uncover the messages your symptoms are sending you and begin your healing process with live support
Review everything you’re getting inside the Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class to support your healing journey
If you’ve had enough and are ready for your symptoms to be gone for good, then it’s decision time
But first, a love note from me to you about trusting your body’s wisdom
It took me 10 years of dedicated focus on my healing, working with the best practitioners and healers around the world, to learn how to heal my wounded inner child and take care of my emotional needs on an ongoing basis.

Unfortunately, most of us weren’t taught to listen to, honor, and embrace our emotions.

We were shamed, ignored, and not listened to.

I suffered unnecessarily for years because I didn’t know how to listen to and take care of my feelings.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

I know you’re tired of hopping from practitioner to practitioner trying to treat your symptoms yet never really getting to the root cause of what’s causing you stress and pain.

That’s why I’m here to help you know and feel that…

❤️ You are enough.

❤️ You matter.

❤️ Your feelings matter

❤️ You are valuable

And to be your guide to help you listen to your symptoms through the Core Emotional Healing® 6-Week Class so you can address the emotional root cause of your symptoms and suffering, and finally heal once and for all.

With so much love, 


© 2023-2025 Elicia Woodford. All Rights Reserved.