Core Emotional Healing Self Study®

Recap & Reflection

The emails coming to an end doesn’t mean that you need to be done with the Self Study, it’s best to go at your own pace and to go to the lessons you need in the moment as things come up for you over time.

If you haven’t already, you may want to save all of the [CEH SS] emails in a folder to reference, and I also suggest you print out all of the workbooks and make a binder with tabs. They are great to reference when you need more support and insight.

A reminder of what’s in the Self Study:

  • 5 Lessons
  • Power of Journaling
  • Healing Hints
  • Inner Parenting Guides

Take inventory, write down where you were before and now:

What small and big changes have you noticed within yourself, relationships and life?

What lessons in the SS did you complete?

What lessons helped you the most?

What lessons were difficult for you?

Are you still applying and practicing what you learned?

What lessons are waiting for you?

Schedule time to listen to the videos and review the workbooks you still need.

Celebrate YOU and what you’ve done for yourself!

Everyone uses these lessons at different stages, some start with these lessons and then go deeper in the CEH 6-Week Class, CEH Group Program, or private healing immersions.

And others use them after immersions to support themselves emotionally as the healing integrates and to know how to take care of their true needs, wants, and feelings with their relationships and in the world.

Either way, it’s always good to review the lessons since the more you get in touch with your true feelings, the more you will be able to hear, understand, and apply the lessons each time you review them.

Watch out for the next email, your answers will help me recommend the best next step for you.

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