Finally heal the root emotional causes of your symptoms and patterns in the…
Core Emotional Healing®
Group Program
with Elicia (Miller) Woodford

…a safe container and intimate community to receive ongoing support and insights to come home to yourself
Here’s why this matters…
Healing in a group setting is the fast pass to transforming your life
The consistent support of Elicia, as well as the group, help you uncover your childhood emotional wounds and trauma and how you learned to cope.
The ways you cope keep your shame, fear, and vulnerability hidden, to protect your inner child from further pain. These protections block your healing, cause other limitations in your life, and that’s why nobody can truly heal alone.
You deserve more.
In just over 6 months, Grace let go of relationships that were draining her and making her doubt herself, let go of her medical career, took time to create and play, and effortlessly found a more fulfilling job. And as a result of her emotional healing, Grace recently opened up to her intuitive gifts and is now pursuing her soul’s calling.
“I joined the program to have support and guidance on processing emotions, help with seeing my blind spots, and help with connecting more deeply to my inner child.
I was surprised how group therapy is so powerful. Participating with others in the group created a shared space and sense of belonging, and also helped heal areas of myself I didn’t know needed mending.
Before CEH, I used a lot of different nutritional supplements, bodywork modalities (cranial sacral, massage, acupuncture) and clean diets to help with physical healing. I am no longer on herbal supplements and have expanded my diet. I haven’t done acupuncture or cranial sacral in a while and my symptoms of itching and certain reactions to foods have significantly lessened or disappeared.
For anyone who is thinking about it or never thought about it, I say JOIN! Before you spend money on other bandaids, give CEH your all. Even healing modalities such as resonant attention is more effective when we honor and pay attention to our inner child’s emotions.
Elicia is an incredible spiritual parent and mentor. I love how she effortlessly and authentically balances love and boundaries, and she always shows up with deep caring and wisdom.”
GRACE, CEH Group member
…and be surrounded by others who are going through similar experiences, which will help you gain valuable insights for your own healing.
…while working with ean xperienced and gifted practitioner who can see what is hidden, and lovingly provide the insight and encouragement to heal your core wounds, so you can finally be fulfilled in the ways you truly want.
“After only 2 months in the program, some of my symptoms are gone and others are less severe and gradually decreasing.
I also have less hostility towards myself overall and my mood is more stable. I’m more honest and willing to meet my sadness and fear. I’m feeling hopeful and inspired for the first time.
Knowing Elicia, I wouldn’t go anywhere else. You’ll be supported and accepted with compassion and wisdom. I finally feel met on a soul level as opposed to the symptoms level.”
IZABELA, CEH Group member
If you completed the CEH 6-Week Class,
you’re invited to apply to the
Core Emotional Healing®
Group Program
Enrollment is ongoing. Join anytime.
Group Calls are held on Wednesdays 7am PT / 10am ET

The Core Emotional Healing® Group Program is a safe container to commit to work through the emotional root causes of your symptoms, patterns, and triggers with the personalized support of an experienced and gifted practitioner and a small group.
“Elicia is a very compassionate and knowledgeable healer who opens up her heart to the ones who find her. She is one of the top experts in the field and the CEH model truly works.
You feel empowered through the whole process, especially after Elicia’s Self Study Course and 6 Week Class, and then going deeper with her support. Elicia makes sure that you learn as you go and eventually become able to heal yourself. That is what a great healer does – enables you to access your own self-healing powers and does not want you to (co)depend on them. Elicia genuinely wants you to grow and evolve!
I was always looking forward to the calls and it is incredible how much you can take in from other people’s stories. You learn about yourself by listening to others.
Elicia is open and compassionate, while consistently sharing important truths, and I knew I could share anything without being judged. I was always impressed by how good she is at helping everyone to see what they were unable to see themselves, of course including me.
Elicia is very intuitive and creative and would always give a task or ‘homework’ to do, such as journaling or specific exercises in order to connect with whatever is coming up at a particular moment. What always fascinated me was how good she was at coming up with accurate solutions and exercises on the spot during the groups. She would also frequently check-in to make sure that group members understood what she was suggesting, and why.
Also, what I loved the most was that Elicia’s approach includes supporting each person’s spiritual development. For me, it created more meaning and fundamentally changed my perception towards the whole healing process, the world and myself. And, I understand how these changes are a result of healing my core emotional wounds.
This group is totally for the mystics and the seekers of truth.
I feel very blessed to have found Elicia.”
JURGITA, CEH Group member
Allow yourself to accept the support you deserve
You’re guaranteed the strength of our full attention, support and insights
Dedicated processing sessions

During each group call you’ll get individual processing time with Elicia. You’ll get help shifting your focus from your symptoms and issues, to healing the source.

Experience the power of learning with and through others in an intimate community that offers accountability, support and connection. You’ll never feel alone as you work the CEH process and walk your own healing path.
Access the tools of transformation

Continue to use the CEH Self Study Program to reference specific video topics and workbooks for additional support for whatever you are focusing on during your process.
The CEH Group Program requires a 6-month commitment to support and guide you through your healing process.
The cost for 6 months is $500/month.
Submit your free assessment.
It only takes five minutes, and you’ll hear back from us within one business day.
Our monthly connection points
Group calls are held via Zoom conferencing on Wednesdays 7am PT / 10am ET.
Support is available as you need within our private group forum. Post your questions, process your healing, and share your thoughts with a small community ready to hold space for you. Elicia checks in daily Monday – Thursday to ensure you get almost immediate support and direction, so you aren’t left waiting for the next call to receive the help you need.
Weeks 1-3:
Meet Elicia for 90-120 minutes. During each call, you are guaranteed 20 minutes to receive support with wherever you are and whatever you need. It could be helping you connect to your inner child, addressing the source of a trigger/pattern, setting boundaries or anything else that may arise. You will be provided with the insight and clear direction to move you through your healing.
You can also ask questions and share your process in the private forum in between calls.
Week 4:
Experience our monthly live Q&A discussion where Elicia answers questions and discusses related topics to further your healing process.
You may submit your questions in advance or directly in the Zoom chat, and watch in real time or review the replay.
Many CEH members say that the most surprising benefit of the group program is, “Allowing myself to be seen in my vulnerability, and ask for and receive support from others.”
“We’re all going through or have gone through similar experiences so hearing someone else’s experience and listening to Elicia’s responses add so much insight for me.
It’s like holding up a mirror to my own experience, allowing me to see it from a more objective perspective.
If you’ve just stumbled upon Elicia’s work, or you’ve been thinking about it for a while, it probably means this program is for you.
There might just be some resistance you’re feeling towards asking for help and being vulnerable.
It took me about 6 months after first finding Elicia before I was ready and willing to do the deeper work in the 6 month group program.
I was hesitant even when I reached back out to her, because of what I experienced working with a previous healer and due to financial reasons. But a part of me knew I needed this and I couldn’t do this alone, and I’m so glad I listened to that voice inside me.
Signing up for the CEH program when I did was the right choice. I definitely need the support to go through this journey, and I really trust Elicia to guide me through the difficult moments.
I feel seen, heard, and understood by Elicia. I was hesitant about sharing in the group forum, but I get so much value out of it – writing my posts helps reinforce and clarify my thoughts and feelings. Elicia’s responses help me feel heard and supported and provide insight and encouragement that I couldn’t get on my own. Reading others’ posts is also so insightful.
It shows me I’m not alone in what I’m going through, whereas I often felt that way working one-on-one with a previous healer.
NATALIE, CEH Group member
“I had never really found people with the same symptoms or a space to talk about it.
When I first contacted Elicia she mentioned that some of her other clients in the 6 month group program had similar symptoms as me.
I was already thinking about doing the CEH Group Program because Elicia’s Self Study and class had been so helpful. Once I knew many of the others were going through the same thing, it made so much sense and was the confirmation I needed to just go for it.
Honestly, I had no idea what to expect.
I was going through a pretty dark time with moving out of my flat and I felt like I was clutching around in the dark. I thought that maybe it could give me the answers I needed to heal.
I had no idea how much the group program would just turn everything in my life on its head.
A lot of my chronic fatigue has lifted and my OCD is hardly noticeable – in fact often when I leave the house now, sometimes I don’t even have to check once. My digestion was really awful and although I still can’t eat some things, it’s a lot better.
Six months ago I couldn’t imagine having a point in my life that wasn’t focused on pleasing other people. So much has changed in terms of how I feel, my symptoms, the people around me, I can’t believe it’s only been six months!
My life has changed in ways I never would have believed and I am starting to feel a sense of being loved, contentment, and connection.”
NAOMI, CEH Group member
Commit for 6 months
Heal your core emotional wounds and release the adaptations keeping you stuck in your symptoms, so you can finally …
+ Experience life with fewer symptoms as they reduce and disappear
+ Feel empowered by recognizing and managing your triggers
+ Leave behind distractions and avoidance
+ Easily name and know your feelings, wants, and needs
+ Create supportive relationships with healthy boundaries
+ Enjoy greater self love and acceptance
+ Be guided by your intuition
+ Live life aligned with your truth
+ Feel joy, and more playful
…and have the skills to continue to heal as more layers come up over time.
Learn to listen more deeply within
Join the Core Emotional Healing® Group Program to transform your life in 6 months
Enrollment is ongoing. Groups are capped at 6 people.
Meet your CEH Guide
Elicia (Miller) Woodford is the Founder of Core Emotional Healing® and a Candida and Inner Child Expert.
She created the Core Emotional Healing® process as the culmination of 10 years of intensive training, her own personal deep healing journey, empathic intuitive psychological insights, and working with over 1,000 clients from around the world.
Yes, like any wounded healer, she went through it too – experiencing ongoing Candida symptoms, bulimia, emotional eating, many various addictions, codependency, and more.
Frustrated with the lack of results from traditional and holistic doctors and therapists, she researched and tried over 50 detox and healing methods.
Her journey led her to spend four years in Thailand, Costa Rica, San Francisco, and Atlanta, working with some of the best spiritual, ancestral, shamanic, energy, and emotional healers on the planet.
After 10 years of frequent Experiential Therapy and many other modalities of healing, Elicia healed herself fully from Systemic Candida, eating disorders and codependency, and has been leading groups of men and women to heal themselves.
Elicia uses her intuitive gifts and specialized training to guide others through a deep healing process so they can live more fulfilling lives. She sees everyone’s truth and potential and helps them rise to it.
A few more Core Emotional Healing®
Group Program members share their thoughts on working with Elicia
“I am so grateful to have done the CEH process, which was profoundly transformative and empowering.
I was suffering with candida, digestive issues, energy ups and downs, combined with mood swings and even bouts of depression. I also felt unfulfilled in my work – feeling always stressed out, late, and not happy with myself.
I felt like my overall system wasn’t functioning properly, and after working a lot on the physical aspects of it (which helped but didn’t solve everything), I realized that I needed to work on the emotional and even energetic sources of those issues. I needed to get to the core of my problems.
CEH was of profound help. I couldn’t have had the breakthroughs I’ve had on my own. Starting the CEH process was opening the door to my core wounds, and it was necessary to be supported on this journey.
I’ve experienced huge emotional releases during this process, and the results are amazing. I’d say the biggest one is around my energy. I feel so much more energized, I don’t consume caffeine anymore, and I feel much more stable. It’s the same with my moods and my “down” periods. Overall, I feel much more happy and in joy.
Also, I was able to let go of most of the stress I experience on a daily basis with my business. The process helped me get to the core of the stress and dissatisfaction I was feeling. It was deeper than I thought, and I’m so happy to not be stuck with that huge weight anymore.
The great thing now is that I am fully equipped to keep going on this healing journey. I can feel my state, energy, and happiness improving each day as I keep taking care of myself.
It’s hard to put into words what it helped me do. It’s priceless. After years of struggling with physical, mental and emotional issues, it feels so good to be finally able to heal the core issues.”
PAUL, CEH Group member
“The beauty of the Group Program is that Elicia provides an environment where she supports you in your own process. She doesn’t make you go back and refer to her materials. She works with what specifically will help each person the most every week
I joined the program to start dealing with deep wounding I had started to become more aware of in the CEH 6-Week Class. I was concerned about whether I could handle diving deep into some of my wounding. I intended to build a deeper relationship with my inner child and mother her in ways she hasn’t been. I also wanted to become more comfortable feeling my feelings.
I still deal with some of the issues I came in with. However, I deal with it with a lot more grace. I have also made some huge shifts that I didn’t think would happen so fast. For example, I moved out of my parent’s house for the first time by the end of the program! I had a goal to move out in a year and it happened 6 months earlier!
My connection with Spirit has become stronger. My connection to my higher self has been an invaluable resource that has since supported me when I needed love and guidance.
I also used to struggle a lot more with intrusive thoughts and overthinking. I noticed by the end of the program, some of the steps I was given by my cognitive therapist were integrated so I didn’t have to mentally go through them. For example, instead of saying accept and allow and float with your feelings, I was able to allow and feel my feelings.
I have moved out and taken more ownership of my life. I still rely on my parents to an extent but not like I used to. My relationship with them is better now, I don’t feel as much resentment towards them like I used to and am naturally more accepting of what they can give me now that I am not constantly with them 7 days a week.
My intuition is stronger, or more accurately, it has always been strong but I am more trusting of it. When I am wobbly, I turn to and journal with my higher self and Spirit.
Before the program, I was not taking a deeper look at some of the emotions. I had tried to deal with stuff like candida solely through functional medicine which helped but did not heal. I also had a lot more anxiety and was not as rooted in my body. I had less boundaries with my family and wasn’t sure how to deal with certain triggers.
My allergies and acne have improved. Part of my improved acne is because I am more loving and accepting towards myself.
In general, I am naturally more accepting of the various thoughts, sensations and feelings that go through me. Now, this is much more of a natural and integrated process where I do not have to consciously tell myself or read something telling me to.
I am much more comfortable feeling anger which is the emotion I struggled feeling the most at the start of the program.
The beauty of the Group Program is that Elicia provides an environment where she supports you in your own process. She doesn’t make you go back and refer to her materials. She works with what will specifically help each person the most every week.
I also really enjoyed the community forum. It is easier for me to share and open up through writing. The forum allowed me to do that while reducing the toxic shame I had. I revealed very intimate thoughts/details about my life and was met with love and acceptance. This was incredibly healing. It was also great to refer back to posts and guidance Elicia had shared since I would find myself struggling with the same stuff afterwards. So reading Elicia’s guidance and my own responses helped. It also served as a metric to see how I was progressing in my healing journey.
Also the biggest thing is Elicia doesn’t want you to become dependent on her. She wants you to not need her after a relatively short time.”
JASMIN, CEH Group member
“Elicia helps her students to dig deep, while she holds a loving, supportive space to heal and grow. Six months might feel like a big investment, but it creates a space for change to happen.
I signed up for the 6 month group program after trying for years to do it alone, with a private session here and there.
I knew I needed consistent support to continue my healing journey with Candida and address core wounds and patterns that were still showing up in my life around relationships, self-expression and work, and not feeling empowered.
I feel a close bond to all of the other call participants and I learn so much through their learning and healing, something that I never expected.
I was afraid of sharing my story and vulnerabilities in front of others, but to do so and receive support from others has been deeply valuable. It is also helping me to overcome my fear of how others see me / what others think of me.
I am becoming more able to share on a deep level without so much fear of judgment.
In the first few weeks I definitely stayed with “surface issues” because I was afraid to go deeper.
Now, I feel more empowered to be me and ask for support and be supported by Elicia and the group. I notice that I am seeing my symptoms, patterns and struggles for what they are, a lot more clearly, and how everything links together.
I am more connected with my inner child and her needs, and I am more connected to my intuition.
This is the work. I have found time and again that when it comes to healing and discovering our full potential there is no magic bullet.”
ELLIE, CEH Group member
“Elicia is so kind, with a high level of professionalism, which helped me feel secure throughout.
At first, I was afraid that being in a group would somehow deprive me of something. It turns out the opposite is true, I’ve gotten a lot more in the group than just on my own.
The CEH Group Program truly exceeds all my expectations. I feel I’m getting SO MUCH. I’ve never experienced such abundance and this kind of steady and reliable support in my entire life.
Also I love the people in the group as they become like family. We all get what we are craving, a deep sense of Love.”
CHARLOTTE, CEH Group member
“The amount of support I received made this program worth every penny.
I joined Elicia’s 6 Month Group Program because I was experiencing current trauma, and I was encouraged by my family and lover to seek professional help.
I addressed so much more than I ever knew was there. The whole process, with the help of Elicia, explained the “why” rather than just addressing the current situations.
As a result of the program I am planning my life again, not attached to what everyone else wants.
I’m also shedding layers of ego I didn’t realize I was hiding behind in fear. If anyone is considering this program, do it, keep going. Don’t get stuck where you are, you can process it and move on from it as long as you keep engaged, reach out for support, and do the work.
With the group, I felt I had a team by my side to work through my process. Thank you Elicia for helping me find Me again, and helping me learn how to see the world with clear eyes.”
WHITNEY, CEH Group member
It only takes five minutes, and you’ll hear back from Elicia within one business day.
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