Timeless and Time-Tested Methods of Self-Healing using diet, nutritional supplements, hydrotherapy and exercise

In order of priority:

 1. Remove the Obstacles to Health

  • First you must identify them in all areas of your body and life. 
  • This is a lifetime process and involves more than a week of cleansing. 

2. Improve Circulation

  • The movement of fluid (blood and lymphatic) brings nutrients, oxygen and disease-fighting cells to damaged and distressed tissues and carries away metabolic waste, inflammatory by-products and other toxins. 
  • Hydrotherapy and acupuncture have a significant and beneficial effect on the sympathetic nervous system, helping restore activity to normal. 
  • Hydrotherapy (alternating use of hot and cold water to drive blood to and from the skin’s surface and encourage its flow through organ tissues) is most effective in stimulating circulation. 

3. Enhance Elimination

  • Once the circulatory system has begun moving poisons from toxic tissues, the body must eliminate them via sweat, urine, and feces.  
  • Elimination is enhanced by strengthening and opening the avenues of excretion: the sweat glands in the skin, the kidneys and the intestines. 
  • Intestines: colonics, fiber, aloe, herbal laxatives, Vitamin C 
  • Kidneys: increase in purified fluids (at least 2 liters/day) 
  • Skin: sweating through hydrotherapy, exercise and saunas 

4. Repair the Gastrointestinal System

  • Imbalances between the good and bad bacteria in the intestines have been linked to food allergies; skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and hives; migraine headaches; rheumatoid arthritis of the spine; systemic lupus erythematosis; ulcerative colitis; Crohn’s disease; ear inflammation; sinusitis; asthma; premature labor and delivery; peptic ulcers; premenstrual syndrome; and cystitis. 
  • Causes of imbalance of bacteria: antibiotics, steroid drugs, pregnancy, birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, insufficient hydrochloric acid in the stomach, slow bowel transit time, inadequate intake of dietary fiber, poor immune function and diabetes. 
  • Bacterial fermentation from excessive sugar in the diet, yeast in the GI system cause it to ferment, producing toxic chemicals called aldehydes. 
  • Foods that generate intestinal toxins: charbroiled meats, molds on certain nuts and grains, wheat, corn and dairy (intestinal food allergies causing chronic headaches, sore throats and respiratory infections). 
  • Parasites are another source of toxicity causing inflammation and intestinal permeability.  
  • The regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs is a major source of irritation to the bowel lining and can lead to the destruction of the intestinal barrier. 


5. Healing Strategies

1. Repopulate the intestines with friendly bacteria

2. Improve digestion so food is properly processed and does not putrefy

3. Increase bowel transit time

4. Implement practices that, over time, act to minimize intestinal permeability (eliminate irritants and use nutritional support) 

 5. Stimulate the Liver

  • All metabolic activity and systemic function can be linked in some way to the liver. Therefore, if this organ is not operating at full capacity, the effects will resonate throughout the body. 
  • Because of the way in which most of us eat and live, the liver can be overburdened, sluggish and congested. 
  • Diet, herbs, nutrients, exercise, sauna, yoga and hydrotherapy help to stimulate the liver’s activity, enhance circulation, and move accumulated toxins out with the bile. 

6.Transform Stress

  • The mind is part of both the cause and the cure of many diseases. 
  • A person can receive the best available medical evaluation and treatment, but the chances for a successful recovery decrease if the diagnosis and therapy don’t alleviate stress, promote relaxation and stimulate positive feelings of hope, faith and trust. 
  • Stress in the form of worry upsets the digestive system, stress from fear disturbs kidney function, stress from anger and frustration injures the liver’s ability to clean and circulate the blood, and stress from grief damages the lungs. 
  • Stress upsets the body’s detoxification systems and weakens the body’s natural filtering mechanisms, increasing intestinal permeability.  
  • Negative thinking alters cardiovascular function. Low levels of stress trigger the onset of decreased blood flow to the heart, which signals the beginning of a heart attack. 
  • By striving to replace negative emotions and thoughts with positive ones, the mind is purified of subtle toxins that eventually create bio-chemical toxins in the bloodstream. 
  • Researchers have been able to verify that mental and emotional states have the ability to affect the production of hormones and neurotransmitters (the so-called feel-food brain chemicals), affect the body’s detoxification pathways and influence treatment outcomes. 
  • Changing your thoughts to focus on the positive can be done effectively with self-hypnosis, prayer, affirmations and altering the home or work environments so that the same habits of negative thought are unlikely to occur. 
  • Daily relaxation through hobbies, reading, playing music, exercise and adequate rest are only a few of the important activities that protect us from mental agitation and physical stress. 
  • Everything matters: food, thoughts, emotions, relationships, job, where you live, habits, behaviors…choose the things, people and places that boost your health, energy and life. 

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