My Water Fasting Candida Journey
Much of my journey around healing has been on healing my chronic Candida and also detoxing and fasting. In this post, I will share more about what I’ve learned about water fast Candida regimens and whether water fasts can heal your Candida.
So if you’re wondering, “Can fasting get rid of Candida?” read on.
In this post, I also talk about water fasting and its relationship to healthy / unhealthy eating as well.
After spending 2 years researching detox retreats in Thailand, I did a 30-day water fast in Costa Rica.
Since then, water fasting has grown in popularity, and I get questions from clients looking at water fasting. Candida and other digestive issues are often of the root of what they’re looking to heal in a 30 day fast. I am often asked about Candida water fast options, and so I decided to share my experiences and learnings from my own 30-day water fast in Costa Rica.
If you’re looking for water fasting healing stories, and whether for Candida, fasting can be helpful – read on.
Despite spending years and thousands of dollars going away to detox retreats that focused on the physical cleanse ~ Ayurveda, juice, shakes, pills, water fasting, colonics, zappers, massage, saunas, yoga, and even some that included Reiki and hypnotherapy….none of it helped me get to the root of my patterns or taught me how to heal myself on an ongoing basis.
I even spent $5,000 for a 30-day water fasting Costa Rica retreat that actually made my symptoms worse, and after fasting, Candida did not disappear for me.
I’ve known clients who went away to the Chopra Center and other posh retreats and came back feeling refreshed – and then went right back into dysfunctional relationships or fasting to cure Candida simply did not work for them.
Is Water Fasting for Candida Overgrowth a Cure?
One of the main things I have learned from my 30-day water fast before and after is that nothing changes until you change your relationship with yourself.
Over the years I tried countless diets, fasts, and detoxes and became obsessed with healthy eating – all because somewhere I believed that I was more loveable when I looked skinny.
But my core wounds remained the same. It was not until I had followed fasts and Candida diet protocols to the extent that there was nothing in my body that could possibly be causing my Candida, that I understood that my Candida was emotional.
If you’re wondering what kills Candida, an alternative way to look at it is what is causing the Candida overgrowth in the first place?
Emotional Causes of Candida Overgrowth
One of the reasons why water fasting for Candida was not effective for me is because I found that the root cause of my Candida was emotional as much as being related to what I was/wasn’t eating.
The Core Emotional Healing process is about getting to the root cause of your symptoms, triggers, and patterns.
With many of my clients, I use Dr Michael J Lincoln’s book, Messages from the body to share what your body is trying to tell you through symptoms such as Candida overgrowth, yeast infections, and thrush.
The messages behind Candida are around helplessness, hopelessness, feelings of overwhelming responsibility, suppressed rage, lack of confidence, and betrayal.
Candida is an emotional condition causing people to act out and feel frustrated from unresolved pain from the past. You can heal and grow stronger with your personal power through Core Emotional Healing.
Your emotional empowerment begins with your commitment to healing yourself and taking care of your emotional needs, instead of numbing how you feel and using sugar to feel better, which feeds Candida and your repression.
When we talk about Candida and fasting, fasting can often be a symptom of Candida rather than a solution.
Learn more about healing Candida in my guide: How to Heal the Emotional Root Cause of Candida here, or read some of my clients’ healing turning points around codependency and yeast infections here.
You need to learn tools that will support you on your healing journey and that can serve as a catalyst for permanent change…
So that you create a new relationship with yourself in which you value yourself in such a way that all of your needs are met.
10 Results of my 30 Day Water Fast
1) My symptoms came back a year later and then I discovered the emotional root cause, and that water fasting and Candida healing had not happened, for me at least, during my 30-day water diet.
I learned the self-healing techniques needed to move forward and truly heal my issues. I did the inner child and core emotional healing work that finally set me free. After that, all of my symptoms have gone away. I can eat what I want and have no more addictions, compulsions or emotional eating. I love my body and I even removed my breast implants. I met and married my soulmate and I continue to grow and expand personally, professionally and financially.
2) Another of my 30 day water fast results was that my digestion got worse until I replenished my hormones and learned how to take care of my emotional needs.
3) After I was refeeding on fruit, I started to binge and purge more.
4) My body was fighting an infection and I discovered after that I had Helicobacter Pylori bacteria (H. Pylori) that I had to treat a year later with supplements.
5) Processing memories on my water fast retreat didn’t heal my core issues. I did more specific inner child emotional work a year later that fully healed my body, emotional eating, addictions and relationship patterns. This is the work I now specialize in.
6) Lost 30 pounds – which of course was not sustainable – felt good because that’s how I thought I was more lovable and when I gained the weight back I had to learn how to love and accept myself fully.
7) Meditated on and visualized what I want to create in my life.
8) This did not resolve my deep rooted patterns, I continued to attract things I didn’t want into my life from my subconscious beliefs.
9) The energy of the person running the retreat was toxic and shame-based. I had to do energy clearing after the retreat.
10) I released the pattern of giving my power away to narcissistic people two years later.
I learned later the optimal diet for me is more balanced than raw food or just fruit. I also don’t believe in water fasting to heal deep rooted issues, symptoms and patterns.
If you’re looking at doing a water fast, Candida and other emotionally based conditions may not be healed. In short, my 30 day fasting results were not what I hoped for and my symptoms were not healed.
Don’t waste this lifetime staying unconscious victims, following the doctors orders, and what everyone else is eating, doing and thinking.
For those searching for water fasting for Candida, connect to your inner power and wisdom. Love yourself so much to be strong and break free from toxic habits.
Heal your body, mind and emotions from the past to create the life you truly desire from your heart….