Your symptoms are a gift!®

There is wisdom in your body. Each symptom has a message supporting your expression and fulfillment.

Core Emotional Healing® Lays The Foundation for everything else to finally work!

If you’ve already tried diets, supplements, and holistic therapies for your ongoing physical and emotional issues with no success, don’t give up just yet! 

Treatments can only take you so far. Your physical ailments, unhealthy behaviors, and relationship patterns won’t go away because you are still stuck in your emotional pain from childhood.

You may not be aware of what you had to repress and hide as a child in order to feel safe and have your needs met, but your body doesn’t forget.

Your symptoms are a gift because they show you your blind spots – something you typically aren’t consciously aware of that needs to be addressed. 

Your true feelings and needs are now expressing themselves to you through your body and patterns.

Each symptom has a message supporting your expression and fulfillment. There is a clear path for your truest and greatest self!

Core Emotional Healing®(CEH) can be the missing piece providing complete healing for many disorders including:
  • Depressio​n and Anxi​ety
  • Hormone Imbalance, PMS, Perimenopause
  • IBS, Candida, Chronic Fatigue, Skin Conditions
  • Fibromyalgia, Lyme, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and other Autoimmune ​Disorders
  • An unhealthy relationship with food: emotional eating, eating disorders, and body image issues
  • Addictions: sugar/alcohol, sex, shopping, excessive exercise, etc.
  • Perfectionism and unrealistic expectations
  • Settling for unsupportive relationships, codependency, and low self-esteem
  • Feeling overwhelmed, lacking confidence, struggling with business and money

What My Clients Say

“When you’re told your illnesses are emotional (i.e. “all in your head”), that’s different than understanding that your wounded child is trying to get your attention via those symptoms. That was a turning point for me. I’ve had 3 different instances where I had symptoms come back and I’ve been able to work through them. The process gave me the foundation I need to continue on with this work. If you’ve been working on yourself for many years, this is the missing piece you need!”


CEH Self Study Client

I trust Elicia, and her process comes from her deep and caring heart. Elicia made me feel safe, heard, and seen. During the 6 weeks when I flew up into my head and into my anxiety, she would bring me back without shaming me, in a way I could take heed of and hear her as she brought me back to base. That’s a gift, Elicia’s a deep Core Doula. I’m in my body more and I’m allowing myself to feel the sensations in my body as signals of how I’m feeling and what’s really going on. I’m feeling my triggers and now I know what I am reacting to and it goes way beyond the immediate person situation or circumstance.”


CEH 6-Week Class Client

“A lot of my chronic fatigue has lifted and my OCD is hardly noticeable – in fact often when I leave the house now sometimes I don’t have to check once. My digestion was really awful and now it’s a lot better. Six months ago I couldn’t imagine having a point to my life that wasn’t focused on pleasing other people. So much has changed in terms of how I feel, my symptoms, the people around me, I can’t believe it’s only been in six months! I am starting to feel a sense of being loved, contentment, and connection.”


CEH 6-Month Group Program Client

At this point you may be ready to give up, tired of trying, and not willing to try just one more thing. 

It makes sense that you would be skeptical since nothing has worked so far. 

With a decade-long track record working with people who are about to give up and resign to a life of pain, relationship struggles, and not living up to their full potential, trust me when I say there is another way.

I have helped hundreds of clients to find freedom, joy, and a life they never thought possible. It’s a simple process, but powerful enough to make lifelong change. 

Through Core Emotional Healing® you can:

  • Stop focusing on a restrictive diet and supplements to heal you
  • Discover the real reason why your symptoms aren’t going away
  • Transform how you relate to your emotions
  • Take care of your inner child’s feelings to heal your body
  • Empower yourself to take the journey to improve every area of your life

Deep down you know you are meant for more, this is not who you really are, you just need to know what to do to get you where you are meant to be — and that’s what CEH is all about!

Start your healing journey today!

CEH Self Study Online Course

CEH Live
6-Week Class

Elicia Miller

CEH 6-Month Group Program

While many believe affirmations are all that is needed to heal and change and get what you want, affirmations don’t address the deeper source of many issues, the Core Emotional Complex. This includes the core wound, repressed emotions, unconscious beliefs, and the behavioral adaptations, so there isn’t true healing. In addition, manifesting affirmations are often negated by unconscious beliefs and expectations such as not deserving or believing that the world is ungiving.

To fully heal recurring symptoms requires Core Emotional Healing®, a process that teaches you how to take care of your emotional needs, support yourself, and feel supported by life!

When you reconnect with and care for your feelings – you feel grounded, centered, safe, confident, and clearly guided by your intuition and wisdom – freeing you from restrictions and unwanted patterns.

When you take care of your emotional needs, you stop spinning your wheels – you finally know what you want, what to do to get it, and you believe in yourself.

“Doing the 6-week class with Elicia has probably been one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself! Struggling with chronic systemic candida for almost 5 years, I was very skeptical at the start. I’ve tried absolutely everything and found myself at a very hopeless place.

This process really works because it addresses the root cause of your symptoms. With Elicia’s help and guidance I’ve learnt so much about myself, my symptoms, my emotions, my defenses, boundaries, and acceptance. She is amazing at gently pointing out your blind spots, guiding you with love, and showing you how to use your connection with your inner child as a tool to heal.

And because she has developed this from her own experience, she is coming from a place of absolute truth, knowledge, and authenticity. The group sessions with Elicia and the FB group provided incredible support and accelerated the whole process – you see your stuff in someone else, which explains your own issues. It all becomes clearer and then Elicia guides the way to healing.

The CEH process could really help so many people – not just those with candida. It’s what the world needs right now. If you are skeptical, doubtful, or uncertain in any way about the CEH process, just dive in and do it! It is quite intense, but it’s so worth it!”

– Trienie

Hi, I’m Elicia Woodford, Candida and Inner Child Expert and the Founder of Core Emotional Healing®

I created the Core Emotional Healing® process as the culmination of 10 years of intensive training, my own personal deep healing journey, empathic intuitive psychological insights, and working with clients from around the world.

Based on my personal experience fully healing from Candida symptoms, bulimia, emotional eating, codependency and more, I developed a guided step-by-step process to address the emotional root cause of symptoms and suffering.

I provide insightful, direct, compassionate guidance to inspire and support you to be responsible for how you feel, ask for what you want, and to set healthy boundaries. My goal is to help you feel safe and supported so that you are empowered to freely express your true self!


What It Takes to Fully Heal the Emotional Cause of Symptoms and More!

Join me for a free 90-minute class to learn what it really takes to finally heal! This free class is for you if you’ve been trying to heal your physical, emotional and relationship symptoms.